36 appeareances in 2016
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Date / Time | Ensemble / Program | Location |
16th of January, 3 pm | Hymnus Chorknaben, BWV 65 | Stuttgart (D) |
11th of February, 8.15 pm | Seldom Sene, Spaanse Pepers// Music from the courts and cathedrals of 16th century Spain | Ammerzoden, Kasteel Amersoyen (NL) |
12th of February, 8.15 pm | Seldom Sene, Spaanse Pepers// Music from the courts and cathedrals of 16th century Spain | Deventer, Penninckshuis (NL) |
13th of February, 8 pm | Seldom Sene, Spaanse Pepers// Music from the courts and cathedrals of 16th century Spain | Limbricht, St. Salviuskerkje (NL) |
14th of February, 3 pm | Seldom Sene, Spaanse Pepers// Music from the courts and cathedrals of 16th century Spain | Bloemendaal, Dorpskerk (NL) |
16th of February, 8.30 pm | Seldom Sene, Spaanse Pepers// Music from the courts and cathedrals of 16th century Spain | 's-Hertogenbosch, De Toonzaal (NL) |
17th of February, 8.15 pm | Seldom Sene, Spaanse Pepers// Music from the courts and cathedrals of 16th century Spain | Delft, Oud-Katholieke Kerk (NL) |
18th of February, 8.15 pm | Seldom Sene, Spaanse Pepers// Music from the courts and cathedrals of 16th century Spain | Westzaan, Zuidervermaning (NL) |
19th of February, 8 pm | Seldom Sene, Spaanse Pepers// Music from the courts and cathedrals of 16th century Spain | Utrecht, TivoliVredenburg, Hertz (NL) |
21st of February, 2.30 pm | Seldom Sene, Spaanse Pepers// Music from the courts and cathedrals of 16th century Spain | Amerongen Castle (NL) |
27th of February, 2 pm | Seldom Sene, Spaanse Pepers// Music from the courts and cathedrals of 16th century Spain | Amsterdam (NL), Noorderkerk + CD presentation El aire se serena (Brilliant Classics) |
28th of February, 12 pm | Seldom Sene, Spaanse Pepers// Music from the courts and cathedrals of 16th century Spain | Lelystad, Agora Theatre (NL) |
4th of March, 7.30 pm | The Royal Wind Music, Cosmpgraphy | Schwelm (D), Christuskirche |
12th of March | The Royal Wind Music, Topstukken & Kopstukken | Concertgebouw Amsterdam (NL) |
19th of March, 6 pm | Seldom Sene, Scintille di Musica | Halle, Händelhaus (D) |
23rd of April, 4 pm | Seldom Sene, Scintille di Musica | MonteverdiXL Festival, Aegtenkapel, Amersfoort (NL) |
24th of April, 12 pm | Seldom Sene, Taracea | Koffieconcerten Kruiskerk, Amstelveen (NL) |
30th of April | Seldom Sene, Taracea | ERTA-Iberia Conference Conservatorio de Música de Torrent (Valencia, E) |
14th of May, 7 pm | The Royal Wind Music, Kosmographie | Drüggelter Kunst Stückchen, Möhnesee (D) |
15th of May, 2 pm | The Royal Wind Music, Topstukken & Kopstukken | Drüggelter Kunst Stückchen, Möhnesee (D) |
28th of May, 8 pm | Seldom Sene | Festival Música Antigua, Aranjuez (E) |
5th of June, 3 pm | Seldom Sene, Scintille di Musica | Kasteelconcerten Gelderland Haverzate Groot Hoenlo, Olst (NL) |
25th of June | Seldom Sene | Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (D) |
2nd of July | Seldom Sene, Taracea | Martinikerk, Groningen (NL) |
15th of August | Seldom Sene and Matthias Havinga (organ, harpsichord), Baroque en Concert | Vornbach am Inn (D) |
20th of August | The Royal Wind Music, Kosmographie | Summerwinds Münsterland 2016, Münster (D) |
21st of August, 7 pm | The Royal Wind Music, Kosmographie | Dalheimer Sommer 2016, Lichtenau (D) |
13th of September | The Royal Wind Music, Cosmpgraphy | Korčula (HR) |
16th of September, 10.30 pm | The Royal Wind Music, Anima Regalis | Musica Sacra Maastricht (NL) |
24th of September, 7 pm | Seldom Sene | Bach's music without borders, Wenzelskirche, Naumburg (D) |
5th of October, 6 pm. | The Royal Wind Music, Cosmography | Royal College of Music, London (UK) |
6th of October, 2 pm. | The Royal Wind Music, Topstukken&Kopstukken | Ipswich (UK) |
6th of October, 7.30 pm. | The Royal Wind Music, Cosmography | Christ Church, Ipswich (UK) |
13th of October, 8 pm | Seldom Sene, Taracea | Festival van Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen, Roman Catholic Church, Hengsdijk (NL) |
13th of November | Seldom Sene, Aspasia Nasopoulou: 10 Dipoles - World premiere | November Music, 's Hertogenbosch (NL) |
24th of November, 7.30 pm | Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 with Arctic Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra | ISHAVSKATEDRALEN, Tromsø (N) |