19 appeareances in 2014
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Date / Time | Ensemble / Program | Location |
February 8th 2014, t.b.a. | Seldom Sene | Landshut (D) Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche |
February 23rd 2014, 12.00 | Seldom Sene | Amsterdam (NL) Kruiskerk, Amstelveen |
February 23rd 2014, 16.00 | Seldom Sene | Amsterdam (NL) "Les Goûts Réunis", Amstelkerk |
March 7th 2014, t.b.a. | The Royal Wind Music | Schwelm (D) Recorder Summit 2014 |
March 23rd 2014, t.b.a. | The Royal Wind Music Peaceful Mind, Joyful Heart | Amsterdam (NL) Orgelpark |
March 30th 2014, 17:00 | The Royal Wind Music Peaceful Mind, Joyful Heart | Almelo (NL) Grote Kerk |
May 27th 2014, t.b.a. | PRIME recorder ensemble | Berlin (D) |
June 27th 2014, 19:00 | The Royal Wind Music Peaceful Mind, Joyful Heart | Alkmaar (NL) Remonstrantse Kerk |
June 29th 2014, 11:00, 11:45 & 12:30 | Seldom Sene A Praise of Music | Utrecht (NL) International Chamber Music Festival Utrecht, Academiegebouw, Senaatszaal |
July 5th 2014, 11:00 & 14:00 | The Royal Wind Music Family concert: "Orlando's Dream" | Ingolstadt (D) Audi Sommerkonzerte 2014, Museum Mobile |
July 19th 2014, 20:00 | Seldom Sene A Praise of Music | Warendorf (D) Summerwinds Festival, Kloster Warendorf |
August 10th 2014, 19:30 | Seldom Sene A Praise of Music | Brunnenthal (AT) Brunnenthaler Konzertsommer, Barockkirche |
August 22nd 2014, 19:30 | The Royal Wind Music Peaceful Mind, Joyful Heart | Mechelen (B) Blokfluitdagen Mechelen, Scheppersinstituut |
September 20th 2014, t.b.a. | Seldom Sene A Praise of Music | Amsterdam (NL) Klassiek op het Amstelveld |
September 28th 2014, t.b.a. | Seldom Sene A Praise of Music | 's Hertogenbosch (NL) Muziekfestival Kamerklanken |
October 3rd 2014, 19:00 | The Royal Wind Music A Cosmography of Polyphony | Enger (D) CANTart Festival, Stiftskirche Enger |
October 26th 2014, 16:00 | Seldom Sene CD presentation | Amsterdam (NL) Les Goûts Réunis, Amstelkerk |
November 25th 2014, 20:30 | Seldom Sene Headwind | Tilburg (NL) De Link, Het Cenakel |
December 21st 2014, 15:00 | The Royal Wind Music, A Cosmography of Polyphony | Amsterdam (NL) Les Goûts Réunis, De Duif |